May 31, 2008

Tiring week

Been busy for the past few weeks with camp stuffs and etc. Had not enough rests for about merely 2 weeks..thanks goodness there's 2 days of weekends plus another long weekend for me on 2nd June..this enables me to have a good rest and refresh for another new month coming up..hope everyone doing fine out there..try not too tired yourself too much..for those who are working,don't burn too much midnight oil though work projects is important..and for those who are studying,get enough sleep so that you can prepare yourself for the following day and archieve good results in your grades..lastly,i updated an video of MLB performance on the latest charity show..hope all of us can pray for those who are in need to be safe..well..eyes shutting down..gotta go..Gd nite JOSIAHolics!

The Sichuan Earthquake Charity Show (让爱川流不息)

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