Last Saturday, I went to watch the Yellow Ribbon Concert at Singapore of their performing guests is MLB..glad to see the 3 boys performing together on stage again !..Breathe !
Really enjoyed myself alot on that day..took a few pics of them performing on stage..but don't know why my camera looked very blur on that in the end I only able to snap a couple of nice one..sorry..
will upload them some other days..
But for the time being,I will post some pics that Wei Qi uploaded.

Also glad that WQ helped us got the tix.. for SB GF he have told his manager to reserve for mlbians le ;)
Nic tuning his guitar in the holding room with all the bags lying around..
MLB manager said 'pose leh..' then they were like stoning.. Wei Qi also 'sa2 xiao4'.. dunno la..haha this photo a bit bo liao but jus put ba..
Trivia/Story for MLBians
some trivia for u all.. mr Waikin was in the room next to ours. I opened the door(our door) and he was being interviewed(camara rolling etc.)and went back into the room and announced, 'hey, zhou hua jian outside leh...' then Nic exclaimed, ' his songs since my childhood days man..YUAN FEN FEI..AI XIANG SUI..NA PA..!!" then suddenly sam and i join in and we sang triple harmony and then my manager gave us a face and said 'how bout u open the door and sing can?'
then after the show, my manager 'scolded' us...'eh, u 3 make me look like a fool leh, i asked Mr Waikin whether my artiste cld take a picture with him, then when i turned around u 3 were nowhere to be found... (-_- !!!)'heh heh, paiseh Jasmin, we went to pack the instruments' i replied... and sam's face showed a great dissapointment(i think he really wanted to take the photo with him..well nic and me also..) yup end of story. Hope you all like this abstract from the life of the milos...episode #1
till nxt time..
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